I. Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment:
Provide the cohesive and rigorous curriculum, instruction and assessment that enable students to communicate clearly and effectively, to access and apply information, to practice problem solving and inquiry both individually and collaboratively, to think critically, to demonstrate creativity, to become productive citizens, to utilize technology and to become lifelong learners.
A. Implement a comprehensive K-12 curriculum that matches or exceeds state standards in all subject areas.
1. Establish curriculum institutes to develop teaching/curriculum guides for all teachers.
2. Provide for staff articulation across the district to ensure program consistency and full support of student needs.
3. Align department curriculum to standards and ESLRs.
4. Build consensus within departments on implementation of standards, rubrics, ESLRs and assessments to achieve learner accountability and instructional consistency.
5. Formalize regular articulation among and within departments, grade levels, and sites and facilitate annual meetings between grades 5,6,7&8.
6. Create a systemic review to evaluate the effectiveness of long standing programs including SSR/Homeroom, block scheduling, honors placement, and Options independent projects.
7. Connect current research to each program to evaluate and improve programs, if necessary.
B. Implement multiple instructional strategies designed to meet the needs of a diverse student population with a variety of learning styles.
1. Encourage innovation in instruction and risk taking.
2. Provide numerous in-service opportunities to address a variety of instructional strategies.
3. Continue to identify student learning styles to better address their needs.
4. Provide teacher training in the classroom application of technology.
5. Connect instructional strategies to current brain research which will support students learning styles, multiple intelligence’s, need for variety, reaching the middle child, including those not reaching their potential, and reteach important concepts.
6. Train teachers to gather and use data that will provide information and enhance instructional practices and differentiated learning for middle and low achieving learners.
7. Create support in our program for middle and low achievers.
8. Design, enhance existing, and implement instructional strategies to serve all students with particular attention to the middle and low achieving students.
9. Define the “middle” student at LCHS.
10. Examine curriculum to insure that it serves all students with particular attention to the middle and low-achieving students.
C. Develop and implement multiple assessments that include student mastery benchmarks tied to district/state standards and systemically gather evidence of student mastery that is analyzed regularly by staff, students and parents as part of ongoing program review and revision.
1. Align curriculum and assessments to the standards.
2. Implement consistent grading policies by department.
3. Analyze data (SAT9, Golden State Exams, AP Exams, letter grades, and department finals) to improve instruction.
II. Student Support:
Ensure that all students receive appropriate support for their academic, social and individual needs as they work to develop their fullest potential.
A. Evaluate each student’s learning needs and implement appropriate educational experiences.
1. Place students appropriately in ELD, GATE, Special Ed, Option, etc.
2. Provide intervention programs/services as needed.
3. Design a system to evaluate existing sources of data.
4. Implement learning styles survey to maximize teacher effectiveness.
5. Reexamine the curricular advantages and disadvantages of a 7-12 configuration.
6. Increase support and pursue restructuring efforts for ELD program including sheltered core courses.
B. Provide opportunities that allow students to develop social skills, experience leadership, and apply personal ethics and value cultural diversity.
1. Define good character and good citizenship (including manners and etiquette) for all stakeholders.
2. Develop programs in 9-12 and enhance programs in 7-8 that encourage and recognize good character and citizenship in both staff and students (such as parking privileges for good citizenship)
3. Develop programs that enhance self-esteem for all stakeholders.
4. Encourage students to value diversity.
5. Explore character education programs with all stakeholders.
C. Provide diverse opportunities for students to integrate the arts into their lifelong learning experiences.
D. Provide experiences and information that enable students to explore their future vocations and avocations.
1. Expand college and career counseling services
2. Maintain, expand, and revise portfolio development.
3. Investigate and obtain funding for a full time School to Career Coordinator.
4. Create a School to College and Career vocational planning team including representatives from all stakeholders – departments, counselors, parents, students, business community- which will oversee the creation of the School to Career plan including attainment of career related technical and practical skills.
5. Increase faculty, student and parent understanding of current trends in school to college and career programs and trends in the world of work (Vocational Emphasis).
6. Inform all stakeholders of existing programs – Choices, 9th grade Health-Careers unit, portfolio project, 21st Century Institutes, internships, ROP programs, 7-8 Career Day with the goal of increasing vocational opportunities.
7. Create and implement a school to college and career plan that is embedded in the 7-12 school culture and curriculum, which includes among others personal learning plans for students.
8. Develop personal learning plans for all students, which include a vocational component.
E. Provide opportunities that help parents support their students’ educational, ethical and creative growth.
1. Involve parents in Focus on Learning, ESLR focus groups, etc.
2. Increase parent participation, contact with parents through conferences, phone calls, email, and progress reports.
3. Provide resources for parents to support their children’s educational growth.
III. Staff Development:
Hire and support staff who recognize that their primary goals are to provide the highest quality education for all students, to represent the highest standards of professionalism, to incorporate the best knowledge in their particular fields of work, to embrace the value of being lifelong learners and to create an environment of trust and mutual support within the school and broader community.
A. Actively recruit, train and support new staff members.
1. Provide a mentor for new teachers.
2. Provide PAR and BTSA support for new teachers.
3. Hold new teacher meetings for articulation, discussion, and assistance.
B. Create a professional development plan for each staff member.
1. Provide opportunity for peer review.
2. Provide assistance plan for teachers in need of professional growth.
3. Provide department technology leaders.
4. Provide SDAIE training for teachers.
C. Provide for staff planning, collaboration, reflection and growth.
1. Provide funding for conferences and training.
2. Provide meaningful in-service training.
4. Continue to hold regular team leader, department, and staff meetings.
5. Utilize a system that insures administrative responsibility for monitoring teachers and administrative practices for the presentation of a standards based curriculum.
6. Create a staff development program that helps teachers use the standards, ESLRs, and other resources in their classrooms to enhance student learning with particular attention to middle and low achieving students.
7. Create a survey for teachers to determine needs.
8. Provide staff development on differentiated instruction to address the needs of middle and low achieving students.
IV. Facilities, Technology and Equipment:
Provide quality facilities, technology, instructional materials and other equipment to support student learning.
A. Ensure safe and secure campuses.
1. Provide teacher supervision of extracurricular activities.
2. Revise, review and revisit the disaster preparedness plan.
3. Revise school safety plan (see school site plan book).
B. Implement and update the district master facilities’ plan.
1. Continue to revisit the district master facilities plan with input from departments through planning team.
2. Include teachers, parents and students in the planning process.
C. Implement and update the district master technology plan.
1. Students, parents, and teachers will continue to work together on the technology plan. (See back of school site plan book.)
D. Implement and update the district library plan.
1. (See Lindsay Ward.)
E. Coordinate the acquisition of instructional materials districtwide.
1. Continue to use the present process for selection of textbooks.
V. Financial Management:
Provide financial management that is fiscally sound, entrepreneurial and supportive of a stable educational program.
A. Maintain effective district and site budget planning and monitoring processes.
1. Minimize encroachment on general fund by underfunded state mandated programs.
2. Develop department budgets with input from Instructional Council.
3. Include teacher input in budget process both at SSC and district level.
4. Continue to create a school budget through the School Site Council budget process.
B. Maintain reserves in excess of the state required minimum of 3%
C. Actively pursue appropriate grants.
1. Encourage individual teachers and teams of teachers to pursue grants.
2. Provide training in grant writing.
D. Develop entrepreneurial sources of income.
1. Continue to use Scrip and Apples for Teachers to provide materials for use in the classroom.
VI. Communication and Decision-Making:
Develop and maintain partnerships that involve students, parents, community, staff, administration and board members in a collaborative decision-making process.
A. Increase opportunities for stakeholders to participate in program review and analysis of student work.
1. Encourage participation by both students and the community in 21st century Institutes, and Career For a Day.
2. Encourage the participation of students and community in the Portfolio/interview process.
3. Encourage the participation of the students and community in Junior interviews.
4. Effect greater communication of sensitivity, trust, and respect among students, parents, community members, and staff.
B. Develop a strong proactive communication network to facilitate the dissemination of information and the gathering of input from all stakeholders regarding program, budget and facilities.
1. Continue to use the PTA/PTSA newsletters to inform the community.
2. Distribute School Site Council minutes to interested stakeholders.
3. Distribute budget information to interested stakeholders.
4. Create a vision statement that can be adopted by all stakeholders.
5. Create a system that elicits responses from students and parents.
6. Develop a plan for improved two-way communication that responds to concerns and celebrates success.
7. Improve instructional communication between students, teachers, and sites.
8. Improve and create lines of communication and trust between district and site administrators, teacher leadership, teachers, parents, other sites, school board and LCTA.
9. Determine lines of communication.
10. Evaluate and improve procedures and protocols for the systems of communication in place at the school (forms, memos, letters, emails, voicemails, meetings).
11. Rewrite staff handbook collaboratively.
12. Publish information/events on Websites for the broad audience, which shows improvements.
13. Facilitate communication with 7-8 staff, 9-12 staff, and administration on issues that concern the organization of LCHS including the advantages of a 7-12 configuration.
14. Resolve the question; “Are we a 7-12 high school or a 7-8 middle school and a 9-12 high school at the same site?”
VII. Public Policy:
Advocate public policy at local, state and national levels that supports and enhances the educational programs of LCUSD.
A. Maintain effective communication with legislators.
B. Collaborate with other districts to promote common legislative interests.
C. Maintain communication with local constituents on educational issues important to LCUSD.