Colorize a Photo:


1. Download the picture below. Click to enlarge then copy (Ctrl + Click) and paste into Photoshop CS2.

vintage-santa.jpg (37982 bytes)

2. Remember, when you first go into Photoshop, there will already be an image on your clipboard waiting to be pasted into your new document. So, just merely use the command (Ctrl + N) and hit the enter/return key to accept the automatically preset document size.

3. After the canvas opens up, use the command key, Ctrl + V.

4. In the layers palette, create a new layer above the Santa layer. Change the layer mode to Color. Reduce the Opacity to 50 %. This layer should be labeled "Pants and Coat"...

5. Go to image and make sure the Mode is RGB color.

6. Now choose the Brush Tool (B) and find a red color in the foreground color. We will use this to paint the coat and pants.

7. After you successfully paint the pants and coat, make new layers for different pieces of the picture which require different colors. Remember to name your layers, reduce opacity to 50%, and and choose the layer color mode.