Land-Use Planning Project     
Human Population and Land Use
adapted from Ben Smith, Palos Verdes High School

Purpose:  To plan a county with a population of 154,800 people. (Groups of two)

First Day:  Explanation of basic theory behind land-use planning.  This includes the need for zoning and compatible land-use planning.  For example, you would never want to put a factory adjacent to a residential area.  You need to be made aware of the need for commercial, residential and industrial areas, as well as, schools, parks, hospitals, airports, dumps, etc.  After the explanation of land-use theory, you will individually start developing a land-use plan for "Spartan County", using the small map and legend as a sort of scratch sheet.  Finish your preliminary plan as homework.


Plans will be graded using a rubric.

1.       Map is organized and neat.

2.       Design shows careful thought and planning.

3.       Environmentally sound features in land use plan.

4.       All required services/locations are included in plan and map.

5.       Identification of major industrial/manufacturing ventures with names and explanations.

6.       Energy sources used to power the city and surrounding area with names of and why these sources were selected.

7.       Identification of crops grown and why these were selected.

8.       Type(s) of forestry used with type of tree cutting method (if any).

9.       Names of three national parks and three wilderness areas and why they were placed in these locations. Do not use my name or names of people in my family.

10.   The name of the city.

11.   Realism of the plan while incorporating creativity and originality of thought.

12.   Written Report:

1.       Summary of plan/design is clearly communicated.

2.       An explanation of how, specifically, this design is environmentally sound.

3.       Other significant specifics that you have incorporated.