The Care and feeding of Your Green Club Box.


Green Club, as you may know, is the recycling and environmental club on campus. We collect recycling from our bins once a week, at SSR on Wednesdays. 


Please read the following to your SSR class:


"Green Club is distributing blue plastic recycling bins to classrooms, labeled with the name of our club. Please place your EMPTY plastic bottles and aluminum cans in these bins. We also accept glass. Please do NOT put anything else in them. We are also placing large blue recycling containers in the quad. These are also for the disposal of glass and plastic bottles and aluminum cans ONLY. Thank you in advance for recycling, and protecting the environment."


If your classroom has one of our blue recycling boxes, then we need you to:

  • keep it in an obvious location,
  • keep the lid off during they day, and on at night (we have rat problems, as you may know),
  • encourage your students to place their empty bottles in our bins,
  • ask them not to use them as trashcans,
  • either be in the room with your green club bin or put it outside your room on Wednesday at SSR.


If you would like a Green club box for your classroom or if you have a non-Green Club recycling receptacle in your classroom, we are willing to collect any empty plastic or glass bottles and aluminum cans you collect, within reason, as long as we do not have to pick through the trash for them.  It would help, however, if you told us about your receptacle before it is overflowing.  Tear off and fill out the attached sheet and send it, by whatever means is simplest, to Dr. Ewoldsen, in room 312.


If you have any questions, comments, concerns, problems, etc., contact Green Club president, or speak with Green Club advisor Dr. Mark Ewoldsen .


Thank you!


 Green Club




Name: _________________________________ Room _____ and I am requesting:


____ Green Club Recycling Bin


____ Green Club pick up empty plastic or glass bottles and aluminum cans