Dr. Es Way
Course Description
is a laboratory course in Physics that prepares the students for the California
To earn an O in
citizenship, I expect you to:
Respect other
students desire to learn and listen attentively.
Be cooperative and
maintain a positive attitude.
Have no truancies
and no more than one unexcused tardy per quarter.
Be quiet and ready
to start working (have materials ready) by the second bell.
Act appropriately
and safely during lab work.
Clean up thoroughly
when you leave the classroom.
Tell me ahead of
time if you will miss a test and bring an excuse note from your parents.
Ask your parents to
email me if you have fallen sick on the day of a test.
The only thing that
should enter your mouth during class is air and water from a bottle.
Turn in labs and
homework on the day due.
To earn an S, I
expect you to:
follow the above rules with only minor infractions.
To have no truancies
and no more than two unexcused tardies per quarter.
To earn an N, I
expect you will have:
Violate the above on
many occasions. I will call your parents to report this type of behavior.
To earn a U, I
expect you will have:
disrespectful to me or to one of the other students.
truant more than once.
Have 4 or more
unexcused tardies in a quarter.
on a test.
separate total will be kept for Formative material (Homework/Quizzes/Lab
Reports 30%), and Summative material (Chapter tests and review tests
70%). Grades will not be rounded up. Students
receiving a semester grade below C- will be advised to drop the
class. There will not be any dropped tests.
A+ 97.0%
+ A
94.0 96.9% A- 90.0 93.9%
B+ 87.0 89.9% B 84.0 86.9%
B- 80.0 83.9%
C+ 77.0 79.9% C 74.0 76.9%
C- 70.0 73.9%
D+ 67.0 69.9% D 64.0 66.9%
D- 60.0 63.9%
Tests will examine your ability to recall information
and apply the knowledge. If you miss a test due to an excused absence, you must
see me on the day you return. If you are absent please ask your parent to
contact me by phone or email if you are ill on the day of a test.
Multiple Choice:
Which of the following is not required when
determining velocity?
A. direction
B. distance
D. mass
Math Problems:
A clown leaves a cannon with
a velocity of 100 m/s at an angle of 37o. If there is no air
resistance, how far away does the clown hope is the center of the net?
Short Answers:
Explain the why the
ocean is cyan, the sky is blue and sunsets are red.
Homework will be
turned in on the day of the test. No homework will be accepted late
except for excused absences and then within the same number of days you were
absent. Quizzes will be used to help prepare you for the tests. Do not
copy as you will not the material for the test and both participants will get a
Lab Reports are
based on a 20-point scale and are due the day after the lab is completed.
No lab reports will be accepted late. If you are absent on the day of a lab,
you may be asked to write a report on the concept if the lab has been taken
Assignments are
given 1) written on the board, or 2) verbally communicated in the class.
Extra Help
I will be available to help students before and
after school. Review sessions will be available before each exam.
Study Tips
Do all the work and reading. It is
essential that you take notes from the textbook and the lectures. Many
students like to form a study group to review before the test.
While working in the laboratory, you will have important responsibilities that
do not apply to other classrooms. You will be working with materials and
apparatus that, if handled carelessly or improperly, have the potential to
cause pain serious injury or death. A science laboratory can be a save
place to work, if you are alert, cautious, and follow directions with
care. The following practices should be studied
Laboratory Preparation Read the procedure
and complete the pre-lab assignment before coming to class.
Follow the directions precisely (but paraphrase them) and make note of any
changes in procedure given.
Eye Protection Wear safety goggles at all times when doing an
experiment involving chemicals. If a chemical splashes into your eye, use
the wash fountain by irrigating your eye continuously for 15 minutes.
Notify me immediately. Never direct water from the faucet into the eye as
the high pressure may cause more damage.
Conditions of
Work Area You should maintain a
work area that is free of books, coats, book bags, chemical spills, excess
chemicals, and trash. No objects should be on the floor as this may cause
someone to trip and fall. Cleanup spills immediately.
Disposal of Waste
Material Waste paper, towels, and
other trash must be discarded in the wastebaskets; waste chemicals in the
labeled waste containers. Do not throw matches into wastebaskets except
after running water over them.
Chemical Spills
on Your Body A safety shower is
located in the laboratory and should only be used to wash chemicals from your
body if the sink is not sufficient. Contaminated clothing should be
removed as soon as possible.
on You or Your Lab Partner STOP,
Fire in the
Laboratory Notify the teacher
immediately if any smoke or fire is seen and then follow their instructions.
Accident Reports Report any accident to the teacher immediately, no
matter how minor. This includes any burn, scratch, cut or contact with
corrosive liquid (acid or base). Also report any defective or broken equipment
and other potential dangers at once. But most important remember to stay
Safety Stations Know the location of the emergency shower, eye wash
fountain, fire extinguisher, safety goggle storage, and exits.
Hair Confine long hair with a band, hairpins or a
Eating and
Drinking Since there is a possibility of food substances becoming
contaminated, no eating or drinking is allowed in the laboratory.
Experiments Under no circumstances
should you conduct any experiment other than those that have been assigned,
unless you have discussed it with me and have my permission.
Hands Wash your hands in the sink before you leave the
lab. Avoid touching your eyes and face. Under no circumstances are
you to apply make-up in class.
Appliances Always remove an
electrical plug by the plug and not the cord.
This Safety Policy may be updated from time to time.