2006 – 2007 La Cañada High School Safety Plan
Matrix |
Area of Focus |
Current Procedures/Programs in Place |
2006-2007 Focus |
1. Assessment of current status of school crime |
Each school site received a Crime Report Form as well as Transmittal Forms. Each school site administrator prepares the Site Transmittal form and Crime Form and forwards it monthly to the District Crime Representative. The District Designee then prepares the County Office of Education monthly transmittal form and sends it to Sacramento. All reports are stored in the office of the Assistant Principal at La Canada High School. |
2. Child abuse reporting procedures |
Child abuse reporting procedures are made pursuant to PC 11164 et. Seq. All district employees sign a district form indicating their awareness and responsibilities to report any suspected child abuse observations and notifying appropriate authorities. Additionally, employees are given a handbook clarifying their obligations. Suspected Child Abuse Forms are kept in a file cabinet in the counseling office at La Canada High School. Completed forms are kept in the same cabinet in the assistant principal’s office and are filed by school year. The principal and superintendent are notified when a child abuse form is completed by a staff member. At the end of each year, a report is filed regarding grade level and category of abuse. This information is then sent to the District Office where it is combined with information from all La Canada Unified School District school and then filed with the Los Angeles County Office of Education. |
3. Disaster procedure, routine and emergency |
La Canada High School Safety Plan has been developed and implemented. A telephone tree has been included with the High School plan. Each employee at the site is given a plan at the beginning of each year. An Emergency Preparedness Team meets throughout the year. Disaster drills are held in accordance with Ed. Code guidelines. A file is kept in the assistant principal’s office of all disaster drills and fire drills held at La Canada High School. La Canada High School works closely with the City of La Canada to organize emergency drills. Improvement has been made in the area of communication and staff accountability in regards to emergency drills. |
· At the beginning of 2006-2007 school year, a schedule of Emergency Drills will be created and communicated to staff and to local agencies. · Student representatives will serve on the Emergency Preparedness Committee. |
4. Policies related to suspension, expulsion or mandatory expulsion, and other school-designated serious acts which would lead to suspension or expulsion. |
La Canada Unified School District Governing Board has established policies and standards of behavior in order to promote learning and protect the safety and well-being of all students. This is found in BP 5144.1 (a), BP 5144.1 (b). The grounds for suspension and expulsion and the procedures for considering, recommending and/or implementing suspension and expulsion shall be specified in administrative regulation AR 5144.1 (a), AR 5144 (b), AR 5144.1 (c). The policies and procedures for suspension and expulsion are also written in the Attendance and Discipline Policy and Procedures each year. Each faculty member and student receives a copy. Each year the Disciplinary Guide Summary is updated and distributed to faculty and students. At the beginning of each school year, the assistant principal of attendance and discipline meets with all grades 9-11 students in the class by class assemblies to review rules, consequences and disciplinary action. This year, the assistant principal of attendance and discipline meets with grade 12 students in the Social Studies classroom to discuss the issues. In addition, each SSR teacher reviews the information with students, and the students sign a class roster to indicate the information was discussed with them. At the 7-8-grade level, the principal communicates the rules and consequences in the Social Studies classrooms. A Saturday School program has been implemented to increase student accountability and responsibility. A curriculum for drug and alcohol prevention has been purchased to be used during the Saturday School. S.I. funds are now used to pay teachers who supervise Saturday School. |
· During the 2006-2007 school year, a new discipline design team will be formed. The team will consist of students, parents, community members, classified employees, teachers and administrators. The objective of the design team will be to review and update the current Discipline Policies. · Students suspended or students placed on behavior contracts will be required to meet and check in with their counselors on a regular basis. · Curriculum used in the Saturday School Program will focus on bullying and drug and alcohol use. · Consider forming 9-12 counseling groups focusing on such issues as eating disorders, stress, and self esteem. During the current 2005-2006 school year, a needs assessment will be created and given to students to complete. The results will be used to determine group topics. · Consider having 9-12 counselors do lessons in SSR classes. The topics of the lessons could include but not be limited to violence, self-esteem and drug and alcohol use. |
5. Notification to teachers pursuant to EC 49079 |
The school office maintains a file on all students who have been suspended or expelled. Teachers are quickly informed of any students with whom such disciplinary action was necessary. At the beginning of the year, teachers are also informed of students who had been suspended or expelled the previous three school years (EC 48900). |
6. Sexual Harassment policy (EC 212.6 (b) |
In accordance with the Board Policy and Administrative Regulations relating to students, the Governing Board is committed to maintaining a learning environment that is free of harassment. The Board prohibits the unlawful sexual harassment of any student by any employee, student, or other person at school or at any school-related activity. At the beginning of each school year all students attend an assembly where sexual harassment is discussed. In addition, any student who engages in the sexual harassment of anyone at school or a school-related activity shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. For students in grades 7-12, the disciplinary action may include community service, counseling, Saturday School, detention, suspension and/or expulsion depending on the severity of the action. In accordance with Board Policy and Administrative Regulations, the Governing Board prohibits sexual harassment in the working environment of district employees or applicants by any person in any form. Employees who permit or engage in such harassment may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. |
· Students suspended or students placed on behavior contracts will be required to meet and check in with their counselors on a regular basis. |
7. School wide dress code provision (EC 35183) |
Dress code guidelines were developed by a committee of students, teachers, parents and administrator in the summer of 2002. |
· The Dress Code guidelines will be reviewed by a committee comprised of students, teachers, parents, community members and administrators. |
8. Safe ingress
and egress of pupils, parents, and school employees to and from school |
The reported incidents of a suspicious nature that involve strangers loitering around the school area are responded to promptly. The campus security has the responsibility of monitoring areas directly surrounding the campus when such a report is made. More substantial reports of significant concern trigger informing all staff and parents by memo or letter of the nature of the concern. The school has established a lock-down procedure, which is practiced as a drill yearly. The site principal also works with the high school administrative staff when issues arise that may lead to a potential problem in or around the park area which borders the school. Additionally, the Sheriff’s Department is very responsive to requests for patrolling surrounding areas as well. A deputy sheriff liaison is on the LCHS site. |
9. Safe and orderly school environment |
The staff of La Canada High School works effortlessly to provide students with a safe and orderly school environment. The school wide progressive discipline plan is one intervention used. The plan provides students with progressive consequences and guidelines for acceptable behaviors. At the beginning of each school, the assistant principal of attendance and discipline meets with grades 9-12 students to review rules, consequences and disciplinary action. In addition, each SSR teacher reviews the information with students the first week of school and then each student signs that he/she has had the opportunity to review and ask questions about the information. At grades 7-8 level, the principal reviews the rules and consequences with every Social Study class the first two weeks of school. Many programs are in place school wide to help ensure a safe and orderly environment. At grades 7-8 level, several programs have proven to be successful. Counselors lead small group during lunch to deal with a verity of topics including; death, eating disorders, social skills, and divorce. The grades 7-8 principal and counselors deliver lessons in SSR classes on such topics as respect, responsibility and honesty. The Ready Check program is another program in place. Tardy checks take place in the 8th grade and preparation checks take place in the 7th grade. When a class achieves 100%, prizes are awarded. Small school student counseling also takes place. Individual students identified to be at risk have a student/parent conference with teachers each year. The grades 7-8 After School Enrichment Program provides students with choice and opportunities to become involved in a various activities including Ice Hockey, Aviation Club, Homework Assistance Club, just to name a few. A recent program added was developed by the students in CJSF (California Junior Scholarship Federation). Students who pick up trash at lunch are rewarded. At grades 9-12 level, many programs are in place to increase student connectiveness to the school and maintain a safe and orderly school environment. Countless clubs have been organized to meet the student’s interest. Some of the clubs include: Aviation Club, Cultural Awareness Club, Key Club, and Smile Club. Most recently the Ping Pong and the American Heritage Clubs were founded; The La Cañada High School ASB has made strides in promoting service activities. This past semester, the members of ASB organized a school wide canned food drive. The students of La Canada High School collected more than 8,000 cans of food that were donated to the Union Station in Pasadena. Additionally, ASB worked together to raise money for the Hurricane Katrina and Pakistan earthquake victims. The athletic program at La Cañada High School continues to thrive. This past fall, every sports team won league. The Performing/Visual Arts Department continues to be exemplary and provides opportunities for students to display their creative talents. The staff of La Cañada High School understands the correlation between attendance and student success. School wide programs are now in place to ensure positive attendance including SUCCESSFUL SPARTANS and SART meetings. The grades 9-12 counselors have made strides in working with at risk students. The counselors work with the assistant principal of attendance and discipline to ensure the needs of the “whole child” are addressed. |
· 9-12 ASB will organize efforts to create a Community Wide Character Program. · Grades 7-12 trash pick up system will be created school wide. · Students suspended or placed on behavior contracts will be required to meet and check in with their counselors on a regular basis. · Consider forming 9-12 counseling groups focusing on such issues as eating disorders, stress, and self esteem. During the current 2005-2006 school year, a needs assessment will be created and given to students to complete. The results will be used to determine group topics. · Consider having 9-12 counselors and assistant principal of attendance and discipline do lessons in SSR classes. The topics of the lessons could include but not limited to violence, self-esteem and drug and alcohol use. |
10. Rules and procedures pursuant to EC 35291 and 35291.5 |
School Rules and discipline policies are provided to students and parents on an annual basis through the La Canada High School Registration packet. The packet is revised periodically. Parents are requested to review specific discipline sections with their children. |
11. Hold a public meeting
( EC 35294.8 (g) ) |
The comprehensive School Safety Plan overview and description of the component was discussed and approved at a School Site Council meeting on February 14, 2006. |