Power Point Presentation Class Notes

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Earth Science

Unit Conversions: Using the Factor Label Method for unit conversions


Chapter 2: The Nature of Science

Chapter 1: Science as a Process

Chapter 3: Models of Earth

Chapter 3: Models of the Earth

Chapter Section 4.1 and Chapter 5: Atoms to Minerals PowerPoint #1 and PowerPoint #2 and Periodic Table Design and Nature of Matter and Bonding

Chapter 4 and Chapter 5: Earth Chemistry and Minerals of Earth’s Crust PowerPoint #1 and PowerPoint #2 and Periodic Table Design and Nature of Matter and Bonding

Chapter 6: The Rock Cycle and Rocks

Chapter 6: The Rock Cycle and Rocks

Chapter 8: Plate Tectonics and Planet Earth: Living Machine video questions

Chapter 10: Plate Tectonics and Planet Earth: Living Machine video questions

Chapter 9: Volcanoes (PDF download if you don’t have PowerPoint)

Chapter 13: Volcanoes (PDF download if you don’t have PowerPoint)

Chapter 10 and Section 11.2 and 11.3: Earthquakes PowerPoint #1 from USGS and PowerPoint #2

Chapter 11 and 12: Earthquakes PowerPoint #1 from USGS and PowerPoint #2

Chapter 29 and 30: Geologic Time

Chapter 8 and 9: Geologic Time

Chapter Sections 25.1, 25.2, and 24.3: The Moon

Chapter Sections 28.1 and 28.2: The Moon

Chapter Sections 26.1, 26.2, 4.2, and 4.3: The Sun, Planetary Orbits, and the Seasons

Chapter Sections 27.2 and Chapter 29: The Sun, Planetary Orbits, and the Seasons

Chapter Sections 28.1, 28.2, 28.3, and 28.4: The Stars, Galaxies, and Universe

Chapter 30: The Stars, Galaxies, and Universe

Chapter 17/21: The Atmosphere and Climate

Chapter 22/25: The Atmosphere and Climate

Chapter 18: Water in the Atmosphere and Cloud Identification Practice PowerPoint

Chapter 23: Water in the Atmosphere and Cloud Identification Practice PowerPoint

Chapter 19: The Atmosphere in Motion

Chapter 22: The Atmosphere in Motion




Introduction to Web Quests and Internet Investigations: Go here for the PowerPoint presentation on how to make Web Quests!

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