Crab NebulaEarth Science Webquest Internet Investigations Links

Internet Investigation for Friday, May 27, 2005

ES1708: How Does the Ozone Layer Change Over Time?

ES1807: How Acidic is Your Rain?

Internet Investigation for Tuesday, March 29, 2005

ES2708: What Processes Shape Planetary Surfaces?

ES2704: How Fast Does the Wind Blow on Jupiter?


Internet Investigation for Tuesday, March 8, 2005

ES2605: How Does the Sunspot Cycle Affect Earth? Do this first!

ES0405: What Time Is It?

Internet Investigation for Friday, February 18, 2005

ES2506: What if Earth and the Moon Were Hit by Twin Asteroids?

ES2507: Learn More about Impact Craters on Planets and Moons.

Internet Investigation for Monday, January 10, 2005

ES0801: What is Earth’s Crust Like?

ES0908: Find out more about current volcanic activity

Volcano World: A comprehensive list of most volcanoes.

Internet Investigation for Friday, January 7, 2005

Earth Science

ES0907: Is it Safe to Live Near a Volcano? Do this first!

ES0901: How are Volcanoes Related to Plate Tectonics? Do this second, if you have time.


Predicting Volcanic Eruptions: Go here to do the main part of this assignment. Go here for a copy of the question sheet.

Current Volcanic Activity: Go here to look at what Mt. St. Helens is doing right now.


Internet Investigation for Tuesday, December 7, 2004

ES0802: How Old is the Atlantic Ocean? Do this First!

ES0810: How Fast do Plates Move? Do this Second!


Internet Investigation for Tuesday, November 9, 2004

ES0602: How do Rock Undergo Change? Do this First!

ES0603: How do Igneous Rocks Form? Do this Second!


Internet Investigation for Friday, October 8, 2004

Earth Science

ES0307: How are Landforms Represented on Flat Maps? Do All of This!

ES0301: How do Map Projections Distort Earth’s Surface? Do this only if you have finished the first one. You will get extra credit for doing so.


UTM Coordinates


Internet Investigation for Monday, September 27, 2004
Part 1: ESU101: How Can Getting Farther Away from Earth Help us to See It More Clearly?

Part 2: ES0204: Observe some products of a geographic information system (GIS)

Part 3: Terraserver: Go here to find an aerial photo of the school!

Part 4: National Atlas: Go here to make a map of La Caņada!

Part 5: What is GPS? and GPS: The New Navigation: Go here to tell me how GPS works. Place your answer next to the conclusion.


Internet Investigation for Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Do this: ES0103: How are Earth’s Spheres Interacting? Answer the questions in blue. Be aware that some of the pages do not have questions.