Crab NebulaEarth Science Webquest Internet Investigations Links

Internet Investigation for Tuesday, May 30, 2006 (Earth Science Only)

ES1706: How Does the Temperature at One Location Change over a Year? (Do this first!)

ES2101: What Factors Control Your Local Climate?

Internet Investigation for Monday, April 24, 2006: Periods 1, 2, and 4 or Tuesday, April 25, 2006: Periods 5 and 6

ES2708: What Processes Shape Planetary Surfaces?

ES2704: How Fast Does the Wind Blow on Jupiter?

Internet Investigation for Wednesday/Thursday, April 12/13, 2006

ESU701: Could Mars Support Life?

Google Mars: Check out Mars!

Google Moon: Check out the Moon!

Internet Investigation for Monday, March 13, 2006

ES2605: How Does the Sunspot Cycle Affect Earth? Do this first!

ES2603: Why Does the Size of the Sun Appear to Change?

Spaceweather: Go here for a current picture of the sun.

Solar Minimum Has Arrived: This story explains why the sun is so inactive right now.

Solar Cycles: Go here for a story concerning solar cycles and why the sun’s activity changes.

Solar Cycles Again: Go here for a similar story about solar cycles.

Solar Storm Warning: Go here to find out why the next solar maximum could produce many sunspots and solar flares.

Internet Investigation for Tuesday, February 28, 2006

ES2506: What if Earth and the Moon Were Hit by Twin Asteroids? Do this Internet Investigation front and back.

ES2507: Learn More about Impact Craters on Planets and Moons

Comets versus Asteroids versus Meteoroids: Go to these websites to find out what the difference between asteroids and meteoroids is. Write this down on a separate sheet of paper telling me what the difference is.

Go here to see a comet’s passage through the solar system. Go here to see an animation of meteor showers.


Internet Investigation for Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Earth Science & Geology

ES1001: How Are Earthquakes Related to Plate Tectonics?

ES1102: How Do Rocks Respond to Stress?

Extra Credit Opportunity

Tell me about a historical earthquake greater than magnitude 6.5. Tell me when it occurred, what kind of damage it caused, how many people were killed, where it occurred, it’s magnitude, the depth of the focus, how far away it was felt, if it is near a plate boundary, what kind of fault caused it (normal, reverse, strike slip) and how many aftershocks it had.


ES1106: What Forces Created These Geologic Features? You might need to finish this for homework?


Internet Investigation for Thursday, January 19, 2006


Predicting Volcanic Eruptions: USGS website for forecasting volcanic eruptions

USGS Volcano Hazards Website: Go here to find out more about what is being done to predict volcanic eruptions.

National Geographic: Go here for more background on volcanoes.

Earth Science

Eruption Data: Go here to find eruption data

More eruption data: Go here to find more eruption data at Volcano World

ES0901: How are volcanoes related to plate tectonics?

This Dynamic Planet: Go here to access a map that tells what direction the plates are moving and where the boundaries are.

National Geographic: Go here for more background on volcanoes.


Internet Investigation for Monday, January 9, 2006

ES0802: How Old Is The Atlantic Ocean?

ES0810: How Fast Do Plates Move?

This Dynamic Planet: Go here to access a map that tells what direction the plates are moving and where the boundaries are.

Internet Investigation for Homework on Monday, November 14, 2005

ES0602: How Do Rocks Undergo Change?

ES0603: How Do Igneous Rocks Form?


Internet Investigation for Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Do this: ES0103: How are Earth’s Spheres Interacting? Answer the questions in blue. Be aware that some of the pages do not have questions.