Crab NebulaEarth Science Webquest Internet Investigations Links


Internet Investigation for Thursday, May 21, 2009

ES1706: How Does the Temperature at One Location Change Over a Year? Do this first.

ES2101: What Factors Control Your Local Climate?

Internet Investigation for Tuesday, March 31, 2009

ES2605: How Does the Sunspot Cycle Affect Earth? Do this first!

ES2603: Why Does the Size of the Sun Appear to Change?

Old Solar Cycle Returns: A NASA story dated 3/28/08 explains that the sunspots we’re seeing now are due to the old solar cycle and not the new one.

SOHO Images: Go here for Solar and Heliospheric Observatory Images of the Sun.

Spaceweather: Go here for a current picture of the sun.

Solar Minimum Has Arrived: This story explains why the sun is so inactive right now.

Solar Cycles: Go here for a story concerning solar cycles and why the sun’s activity changes.

Solar Cycles Again: Go here for a similar story about solar cycles.

Solar Storm Warning: Go here to find out why the next solar maximum could produce many sunspots and solar flares.

Internet Investigation for Thursday, March 12, 2009

ES2406: How Do Tides Work?

Internet Investigations for Thursday/Friday, February 26 & 27, 2009

ES2506: What if Earth and the Moon Were Hit by Twin Asteroids?

Google Moon: Go here for geologic analysis of the moon.

Apollo Mission Information: Go here for detailed information about the lunar geology explored by Apollo missions.

Far Side of the Moon: Go here and here to see images of what the far side (the side we never see) of the Moon looks like!

Traeger’s Moon PowerPointŪ: This will be helpful for some of the questions.


Internet Investigation for Friday, January 16, 2009

ES1003: Where Was That Earthquake?

ES1001: How Are Earthquakes Related to Plate Tectonics?

Extra Internet Investigation for Friday, January 09, 2009

ES1102: How do Rocks Respond to Stress?

ES1106: What Forces Created These Geologic Features?

Internet Investigation for Monday, December 15, 2008

ES0602: How do Rocks Undergo Change?

ES0603: How do Igneous Rocks Form?

Internet Investigation for Friday, December 5, 2008

Plate Boundary Map: Use this map to color your plate boundaries

This Dynamic Planet: Go here to access a map that tells what direction the plates are moving and where the boundaries are.


Internet Investigation for Tuesday, December 2, 2008

ES0802: How Old Is The Atlantic Ocean? Do this one!

ES0810: How Fast Do Plates Move? Extra Credit


Internet Investigation for Friday, November 14, 2008

ES0801: What is Earth’s Crust Like?

Internet Investigation for Thursday, October 16, 2008

Part 1: ES0501: How Many Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons are in Common Elements? Do this first.

Part 2: ES0506: How Do Crystals Grow?

Internet Investigation for Friday, September 26, 2008

ESU101: How Can Getting Farther Away from Earth Help us to See It More Clearly?


Internet Investigation for Friday, September 5, 2008

ES0103: How are Earth’s Spheres Interacting?

ES0108: How do Interactions among Earth’s Spheres Vary Regionally? Extra Credit if you want to do it.