Orientation Materials
School Site Council Introduction
1. Introduction
2. Functions of the SSC
3. Chairperson: Role and Responsibility
4. SSC Members: Role and Responsibility
5. Information Necessary for the SSC Members
6. SSC Organization
7. Planning and Evaluation of Activities
8. Annual Planning Cycle
9. Sample Letter to Recruit Members
A Guide and Template for the Single Plan for Student Achievement
AB 825, Categorical Education Block Grant
School and Library Improvement Block Grant
AB 825 Background Information
Assembly Bill 825 Categorical Block Grant Letter 14-Mar-2005
Revised list of Categorical Block Grant Programs 24-Oct-2005
Assembly Bill 825 - Categorical Education Block Grant (Outside Source)
Assembly Bill 1136 - Amendments to Pupil Retention Block Grant (Outside Source)
Assembly Bill 682 - Amendments to Professional Development Block Grant (Outside Source)
Education Code sections repealed by AB 825 as the sections read January 1, 2004.
Pupil Retention Block Grant (DOC; 174KB; 41pp.)
School Safety Consolidated Competitive Grant (DOC; 44KB; 7pp.)
Professional Development Block Grant (DOC; 30KB; 4pp.)
Targeted Instructional Improvement Block Grant (DOC; 37KB; 6pp.)
School and Library Improvement Block Grant (DOC; 68KB; 13pp.)